Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Me being a slime.

Hah, for a second I thought that February came after March, and I was wondering how I'd managed to miss an entire month in posting. But then I got smart again.

Ok, so, Life of Ali:

Went to a real bar, and got drunk! Yay! And I'm not embarrasing when drunk! Yay! And apparently I'm not such a light weight. I thought I was. Here is what I drank: Rum+Coke, Shot, A triple Rum and Coke, and 2 vodkas with orange juice, within 3 hours. And I remember the entire night, and I was in control of everything I said, and my inhibitions were lowered very minimally! There was an idiot cowboy there who kept coming to our table to flirt with the girls, even though he was there with his girlfriend, and I managed not to yell drunkenly at him.
I should say at this point that I'm glad I don't have many friends, and the ones I do have can't afford to drink that often, cause it was really fun and the sort of thing I'd see myself falling into. But don't worry, peoples, I'm keeping an eye on myself.

And more recently, today I got my drama mark back, and (bragging commences) I was the only person in the class who got a grade in the A range! Go me.

These next few weeks are going to be excruciatingly boring, as I only have 2 tests left, and they're not for 2 weeks yet. Blurg. Someone should come visit me.

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