Tuesday, February 26, 2008

100th Post!

That's right, lovelies, this is the one hundredth post on this blog. I actually would have gone by birthdays, but I missed it. My blog turned one back in November, so this year I am celebrating milestones in posting instead. In honour of 100 posts of sharing, I though I might go through my blog and pick out some of the best. Then I thought some more, and decided that a) way too much work, and b) there aren't really enough to choose from, yet.

This blog has been with me through the good times and the bad, starting with my very first semester of University. It has helped my stay connected to those I care about, and has proved an able sounding board to my late-night ramblings and neurosis, and for that I am truly grateful. In honour of this momentous occasion, I invite you, dear reader, if you desire, to share with me your favourite memories of this blog. I also invite you to think of a name for her. Yes, my blog is a she. It seems a little weird to me to be so attached to something nebulous and impermanent, something that lives in the realm of the transient, fickle Internet, so I figure why not go whole hog, embrace the weirdness, and name the thing.

And in November, when she turns 2, I'll think of something better to mark the occasion.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


So as I am leaving for a bit more than a week tomorrow, I have some perishables to finish (as I am not taking them on the bus. Not all of them, anyway.)
3 apples
3 bananas
2 huge grapefruits
1/2 large tub cottage cheese
4 containers yogurt (vanilla and prune [prune yogurt makes my day])
1/3 of a 2 litre milk carton
1/3 loaf bread
1 1/2 bags of salad
1/2 slab halva (although it'll probably keep)
1/2 bag baby carrots

That'll be fun to try and eat in under 20 hrs, 9 of which I'll be sleeping. Plus I already ate a box of truffles. (It's Valentines Day and I'm single, I'm entitled to be a pig. Don't know what my excuse is for the rest of the year.)

Plus I have craploads to do.
Clean room (including garbage and dishes on the floor. I am a slop.[Yes, slop.])
Study for midterm
Type up notes for C-Note, which I JUST remembered to do, dammit.
Pay ridiculousy high visa bill.
Try not to kill someone because of cramping-induced homocidal tendencies. It's a pain transference thing.

Not nessecarily in that order.

And yet I have time to blog. Masterful.

(Oh! I saw Into the Woods yesterday. Which was 3 hours long and thus took up valuable eating time, but still worth it.)

(And the blogger spell checker thing isn't working, so typos are totally not my fault. Well, they are, but that they aren't fixed isn't. I could copy-paste this into word. But I won't.)

That's not really what you mean.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people, especially women, saying they're not feminist. I want to aks them : "Oh, you mean you don't think women should be paid the same as men? You mean you don't think women should be able to walk the streets at night and be able to feel safe? You mean you don't want women to have access to all sectors of society?"

AUGH. People should say "I'm not a radical feminist." Then I'd go "Oh. Me neither."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mind Fffffff-rolic.

I was waiting in line at the convenience store on campus today because I wanted to buy an "Aloe Beverage". (I just wanted to try it, and it had chunks of aloe in it, and it tasted very sweet, and reminscent of something I cannot quite recall, but not the point of the story, I digress.) And next to me in line was a candy rack, and on it were bags of corn nuts. I've enjoyed corn nuts since they were invented, not half due to that marvelous commercial with the pencil chewing boy, but something had always struck me as just a little..off about them. And today, I realised what it was. Corn nuts look like decomposing teeth. Honestly.

And I do hope that my weeding through countless pictures of people's disgusting mouths in order to find a good example is appreciated.

I've never claimed to be a sensible person.

Speaking of being sensible, I just spend rather a bit of time on youtube, which is a frequent destination, and this time I have been watching EastEnders, which is a delightful British soap opera. The episode I watched was most interesting. See, there's this teenaged girl, Zoe, (played by Michelle Ryan, but younger [even though she's only 4 years older than I am and she played the Bionic Woman. Bad show, but still.]) and she's convinced that trundling off to Spain with her dear old uncle would be just the ticket. Her sister, Kat, vehemently objects. They run into the street and have a rather loud row, in the heat of which this exchange happens:

Zoe: You're not my MUTHA!

Kat: Yes I AM!

Zoe, and the audience, are stunned. What a delicious turn of events! They run off into their house and continue their discussion, Kat being reluctant to discuss it and Zoe being a teenager. Oops, I mean emotionally confused (not that I can really blame her). Apparently, Kat was sexually abused by an as-yet-unknown party and got pregnant at 13. There follows an arguement, with Zoe all "My whole life's been a lie, you liar, didn't you want me, etcetc." and Kat being all "I was freaking 13." So Zoe was raised as Kat's sister even though this whole time Kat really wanted to be her mother but couldn't because of her mother and father. Zoe wants to know who her father is, Kat insists she forgets. So that's all settled, and then Zoe says something about how splendid it is that she's going to Spain, as there she'll have time to sort this all out. Kat, who had forgotten about this, promptly forbids it. Zoe wants to know what the big deal is, and then Kat diverges from the topic, and begins to tell Zoe about how her father wanted to know who Zoe's father was too, but she couldn't tell him, because HE IS HIS BROTHER. That's right, ladies and gents, the dear old uncle who wants to take young Zoe to Spain is actually her great uncle/father/rapist bastard.

Long story short, watching that episode made me want a baby. How sick am I?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hazy Shade of Winter - My Semester Resolutions

Yesterday at 3 AM after reading probably 10 pages of quotes, I made some resolutions. I decided, yet again, that the only way to affect change in my life is to change my life, and I intend to do so. Of course, as we all know, resolutions are much easier to adhere to very late at night, so in the interest of follow through, I though I'd put them up here and so be accountable to the internet. In no particular order:

- no more chocolate
- more fruits and vegetables
- go for a run every morning
- by the end of the semester, be able to do at least 20 pushups and at least 35 situps concurrently
- limit myself to 2 hours of extra-curricular internet time a day
- use my free time to draw and write (and maybe even socialise)
- spend at least 2 hours a day on directly course related work
- keep regular hours
- start and actually finish a cleanse

And that is it. Starting tomorrow, we'll see how it goes.

Remember: If you can't be funny, be funny looking.

I have decided not to attempt suicide, nor to cultivate an addiction to any sort of mind altering substance, which means I'll never get anywhere as a writer. Tis a shame, as I would rather have liked to try. Perhaps I will give it a go anyway.

In other scintillating news, I can wiggle my ear. The left one, to be exact.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So as I went to school on monday, I encountered giant patches of ice covering the street in front of my bus stop. Some water line broke and the sewers backed up, so there was frozen sludge everywhere. And they're tearing up the street, so I couldn't get to my bus stop, so I had to go to the farther one and was thus late. And then I got two midterms back, and did alright on one and pretty crap on the other.

And then today I had a midterm, and my incredible studying skills meant I did it on 2 hours of sleep and it was harder than I expected. And then I admired the poster sale again, but completely forgot about buying the poster I wanted to buy:

Which is alright I guess, seeing as I have nowhere to put it (and I fear my mother being all "You bought this? For yourself?" and me being "I...like Pink Floyd..."). Still, if you peeps could keep an eye out for it so I can buy it somewhere else sometime. Oh, and then, even though the weather has been warmer (hallelujah), it is still windy, so all the slightly melted snow has been blown around collecting the grime from the gravel, so everything is coated in a delicious layer of brownish-grey.

In conclusion: bad week so far.

P.S. And then I had a nap which involved a dream where my anthropology prof was in a wheelchair for some of the time and we were BFFs. Which was really kind of strange and disconcerting, as we got up to mischief and then went on a cross-country bus/lecture tour.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


As I was typing the title, I got a picture in my head of a old man, who seemed to be a cartoon, saying "Alas" or "Alack" or both, but I cannot remember where he's from. Bonus points for whoever can.

So I haven't posted for over a week, and I would feel a little bad about that, but I don't really have anything to say at all. Twas a VERY uneventful week. Also a very very cold one. I think mother nature is holding her own against global warming so far.

This weekend, I've been watching Torchwood (the new season).


It is really quite tragic how everyone Tosh loves dies. They should really stop doing that to her. First her alien girlfriend gets sent to the centre of the sun, and then her WWI era boytoy dies by firing squad. Lordy lordy. But Ianto and Jack is the cutest thing ever. (I like how only Kes and Jo will know what I'm talking about. OH WELL.)


I have also been watching a horrendous show called Cleopatra 2525. It is truly hilarious. It has Gina Torres, who I normally like, but on this show she spends 97% of the time with her eyeballs bulging out of her head. The only reason I've been watching it because it is so corny. (Okay, and because it's by Raimi and Tapert, the men behind Xena, which is another ridiculous show that I was obsessed with.) Ok, I admit it, also because of Victoria Pratt and her hynotising abdominals. Seriously, they are magic and unreal:

I am choosing to ignore the fact that evidently she's the kind of woman who wears camisoles to premiers. In any case, it's a highly amusing (and highly feminist, barring the skimpy outfits) show, and most if not all of the episodes are on youtube. If you're bored.

So that was a super boring post, which really just proves my point - I have nothing to say.