And I do hope that my weeding through countless pictures of people's disgusting mouths in order to find a good example is appreciated.
I've never claimed to be a sensible person.
Speaking of being sensible, I just spend rather a bit of time on youtube, which is a frequent destination, and this time I have been watching EastEnders, which is a delightful British soap opera. The episode I watched was most interesting. See, there's this teenaged girl, Zoe, (played by Michelle Ryan, but younger [even though she's only 4 years older than I am and she played the Bionic Woman. Bad show, but still.]) and she's convinced that trundling off to Spain with her dear old uncle would be just the ticket. Her sister, Kat, vehemently objects. They run into the street and have a rather loud row, in the heat of which this exchange happens:
Zoe: You're not my MUTHA!
Kat: Yes I AM!
Zoe, and the audience, are stunned. What a delicious turn of events! They run off into their house and continue their discussion, Kat being reluctant to discuss it and Zoe being a teenager. Oops, I mean emotionally confused (not that I can really blame her). Apparently, Kat was sexually abused by an as-yet-unknown party and got pregnant at 13. There follows an arguement, with Zoe all "My whole life's been a lie, you liar, didn't you want me, etcetc." and Kat being all "I was freaking 13." So Zoe was raised as Kat's sister even though this whole time Kat really wanted to be her mother but couldn't because of her mother and father. Zoe wants to know who her father is, Kat insists she forgets. So that's all settled, and then Zoe says something about how splendid it is that she's going to Spain, as there she'll have time to sort this all out. Kat, who had forgotten about this, promptly forbids it. Zoe wants to know what the big deal is, and then Kat diverges from the topic, and begins to tell Zoe about how her father wanted to know who Zoe's father was too, but she couldn't tell him, because HE IS HIS BROTHER. That's right, ladies and gents, the dear old uncle who wants to take young Zoe to Spain is actually her great uncle/father/rapist bastard.
Long story short, watching that episode made me want a baby. How sick am I?
That is a scary resemblance. But what are corn nuts exactly, dried up corn kernels? I don't think I will be trying them anytime soon though.
And yay for british soap operas and youtube, although I try to stay away because it is a very good distraction and I don't need anymore of them! I love how soap operas are always all conflicted like that *snicker*
My lord, I love your blog entries.
hermit: I shall bring you some corn nuts. They are also crunchy like teeth!
redcard sanchez: Well thankee very much. I love yours too.
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