As I was typing the title, I got a picture in my head of a old man, who seemed to be a cartoon, saying "Alas" or "Alack" or both, but I cannot remember where he's from. Bonus points for whoever can.
So I haven't posted for over a week, and I would feel a little bad about that, but I don't really have anything to say at all. Twas a VERY uneventful week. Also a very very cold one. I think mother nature is holding her own against global warming so far.
This weekend, I've been watching Torchwood (the new season).
It is really quite tragic how everyone Tosh loves dies. They should really stop doing that to her. First her alien girlfriend gets sent to the centre of the sun, and then her WWI era boytoy dies by firing squad. Lordy lordy. But Ianto and Jack is the cutest thing ever. (I like how only Kes and Jo will know what I'm talking about. OH WELL.)
I have also been watching a horrendous show called Cleopatra 2525. It is truly hilarious. It has Gina Torres, who I normally like, but on this show she spends 97% of the time with her eyeballs bulging out of her head. The only reason I've been watching it because it is so corny. (Okay, and because it's by Raimi and Tapert, the men behind Xena, which is another ridiculous show that I was obsessed with.) Ok, I admit it, also because of Victoria Pratt and her hynotising abdominals. Seriously, they are magic and unreal:

I am choosing to ignore the fact that evidently she's the kind of woman who wears camisoles to premiers. In any case, it's a highly amusing (and highly feminist, barring the skimpy outfits) show, and most if not all of the episodes are on youtube. If you're bored.
So that was a super boring post, which really just proves my point - I have nothing to say.
Those abdominals ARE pretty hypnotic...though I can't ignore her look of discomfort/sucking in either. Maybe they are a ruse?!
Might that old man saying "alas/ alack" be from Aladdin? Or Sword in the Stone? Or Anastasia? I don't really know, I'm just throwing names out there. It's been a while since I got points for anything.
Wow. I must say, she is rather hot!! I would watch a show with those abs if I had time to do so...which I will after this month!
Awww I love Ianto and Jack. Soooo cute. And yes. Poor Tosh. It's soooo sad. I wonder who Jack will actually end up with...if anyone though. And as always, I love watching Eve Myles kick some gorgeous British buttcakes. And even though you don't, Owen will always have a place with me...but I think he's going for Tosh now...and that would NOT be the best thing...unless he actually likes her...then maaaaybe.
Hahah I liked this post!
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