I'm sure some of you recall my past fitness resolutions and how I promptly stop mentioning them a couple weeks after I make them. Rest assured, it's not because I was saving you from having to read about the meaningless minutiae of my life, but rather because I didn't actually stick to them. It attempts to combat this problem, I have turned to the Internet, and discovered two programs to begin: The Couch to 5K Running Plan and The Hundred Push Ups Training Program. In both, I am at level 0. I've decided to remove the day-offs from the running plan, and instead take a break every 3 days instead. Time will tell how this pays off. I also cannot do enough good form pushups to begin the other one, so I'm gonna have to train in order to be able to train. Being weak sucks.
Once I have completed these programs, school will be over and I'll be back at home, where I will begin actually using equipment. Yes, the blowflex. I think I'll also continue running, and bring the dog, but it depends where I'm working and how intense the bike ride will be. Once the pushups are done, I'm planning to start working on The Prison Workout in addition to bowflexing, running and biking.
Ambitious, no?
I have always wanted to be physically strong, and since my little brothers have become stronger than me, which of course they weren't for the majority of my life, this desire has grown. I envy the complete control strong people have over their bodies, and showing up my brothers is of course a nice bonus. It's time to stop wondering when a genie is going to come along and grant my wish (yes, this was my actual plan) and start doing something about it.
If any of you want to long distance workout with me, that'd be cool. I think you should definitely torture yourselves to motivate me and provide moral support.
Pictures from my Camera
These are Roman ruins on a mountaintop in Turkey. Seriously, the top. of a mountain. There was an amphitheatre and everything.
Dogs escaping the midday heat on nice cool marble right outside the doors of the Athens Museum.
The famous Blue Mosque in Istanbul. A really cool place, but ladies bring your headscarves is you want to look inside (and you do).