Friday, March 20, 2009

The witty title is the hardest part.

Hey guys! For fun, I was going to give you a list of the things I do in my week. Then I realised that it's not funny-pathetic, it's pathetic-pathetic, and decided not to. True story.
Another thing that is pathetic is that I signed up for a visitor counting service for this blog, because I have long laboured under the hope (false, as it turns out) that I have a hoard of lurking fans who constantly check to see if I've updated.

Since I signed up, the visitors to my blog have been exactly 0.
Why doesn't the universe worship me and fulfill my every whim like I want it too?
(Bitch bitch bitch)

Pictures from my Camera

As promised, my house. This is the kitchen. Yeah, the entire place is either really hard to photograph, or I suck. It's 50/50.

These are the stairs and the door. And my shoes.

Another angle of the kitchen! Now there is a table covered in 50 lbs of old newspaper.

The living/tv room. And also the dog. And porch.

The bathroom, as you can see, is complete with toilet paper and soap, left by the previous tenant.

I would show you the bedrooms, but at the point I took pictures, they are completely empty and very boring.

1 comment:

Hermit said...

Yay house pictures!! Although I still am not entirely sure of the layout, but thats ok, I have issues with making those kind of things make sense in my head.
As for blogvisitors, tyger and my blog had same issue, I determined that in order to get visitors one must promote self by getting linked to from a popular one. You aught to try it. Although for me, my hermitinthewoods is jest for you guys, nobody else (not that anybody else would probably understand, or be interested in it anyhow... come to think of it, doubtful that even you guys are terribly interested either, yerwelcome)

However double yay for frequent blogging, me likeys!!
Hermy (who really should be doing schoolwork)