Monday, April 19, 2010

Sharpie, medium point.

My house is a wreck, but I've decided not to think about it. Which is difficult, because right in front of me is a table covered in dirty dishes and energy drink cans, and OH HEY, a sharpie! What should I draw? I just watched Battlestar Galactica, and that is awesome, so that's a plan.

Yup, I drew the Galactica on my forearm with a permanent marker. AND IT LOOKS RAD. I think this is a candidate for a first tattoo, honestly. I would have to field constant questions about it and be constantly out-nerding myself, but that is something I do on a regular basis anyway. I told my brother that I might get it permanent, which he interpreted as I would get this exact drawing done. Please. I would at least move it so it doesn't half-hug my wrist like that. I do like the ghetto quality of the squiggly lines though.

And that is a Dalek, from Dr Who, that I immediately drew on my other arm. Joelle recommended it, which is of course me-code for dared me. I like it a lot, but I don't think I like Dr Who enough to get it immortalised.

I've wanted a tattoo since forever (so maybe 6 years), but have never settled on a design or body part long enough to actually follow through. This has saved me from having a scenic Turkish landscape emblazoned on my back, so I suppose my wishy-washyness has its benefits.
Which brings me to my point. These pictures inaugurate the new, mostly weekly, segment called My Permanent (Marker) Tattoos.
The rules are simple, my friends. Each time I put one of these posts up, you simply comment with a request for what I should draw next time. The final image is of course my discretion, but I will attempt to choose suggestions randomly. The placement is also of my choosing, so expect to see a lot of left arm and leg action. I hope this sounds like fun, like you are winning something, and less like a super awkward family reunion where your aunt asks you if you want to see her 14 albums of cat pictures and you say yes because you do not want to offend her.
Speaking of cat pictures.
Here is Bernard! As you can see he is thrilled that I have a working camera.

That's not very flattering, here is a better one.

I realise the focus is on the bell, and not his face. It's a new camera, OK? We haven't got to know each other yet.


Kesineeee said...

awwww I like your marker tattoos. They are pretty cool! I will have to think about what you should do next. I am thinking the cool spaceship from Star trek...the Voyager I that the one with the big circle? OR the death star!

Also, I love your cat photos. He is suuuuuuuuuuuper cute!

Kesineeee said...

obviously I meant the Enterprise...scoff. Obvs...

Hermit said...

Um, I might have to come to lethbridge and steal yer kat.
Also, I am a granny and so kind of dont want you to get a tattoo, especially in a super prominent place, but thats just me. As for what you should draw next time (although mom moment here, is it safe to be drawing on self with permanent marker on a fairly regular basis?) I dunno, although I kind of like the idea of some fancy celtic knot type thing. Were you in my class when we learned how to draw celtic knots? I kind of want to figure it out again, that was fun.

Unknown said...

I think you should do a marker-tattoo of Bernard! Riding a velociraptor!

pvrussel said...

Bernard is soooo cuteeeee

And your Dalek is awesomesauce!

Joelle Haney said...

Ooooh, do a Cyberman, cause when you were doing the Dalek you told me you didn't think a Cyberman would be possible, and I don't believe you! And also...BERNARD is awesome...and also also...I just realized now what a glorious name BERNARD is for a cat. Also...if you don't do a Cyberman you should do a full length Marylin Monroe.