I have stolen these questions now.
1) What have you been up to?
Schoolage, generally. That, sleeping, and lately bad television.
2) How goes home-age, and school-age, and other assorted '-ages'?
Home-age is pretty good, even though I won't actually be in my homehome until Christmas. I had a phone call from me mere the other day, which was nice. Apparently, my brother P is being a spamchild - he damaged the car, and got a speeding ticket. He's had his license for under 3 months. And he doesn't think it's his fault, or maybe it is just that he seems entirely unapologetic about the whole thing.
Brother L is supposed to have gotten his cast off today. In the words of my mother: "Now he can do dishes. HA."
Mother is somewhat overwhelmed at work, it being audit time, and has no time to herself. She's a little depressed by this, and it makes me sad, because up until quite recently, she was All Powerful Mother, and now she seems more human, and I don't know how to help. Pout.
Father is well - he recently had an exam at work, to see whether or not he can be a professional geologist. He thinks he did well, even if the questions were extremely vague and nebulous.
During this conversation with my mother, she was pestering me about my socialising, and wanted to know if I ever went out. I don't, because everyone I know spends all of their time with their boyfriend or child. The conversation continued thusly:
MOM: Well, why don't you get a boyfriend?
ME: Haha. Yes, that's on the list for sure.
MOM: Why not?
ME: (ohgodohgodohgodohgod) Um, I don't need one?
MOM: Haha, I suppose!
ME: (gasps for air)
Yes, I think my mother and I will eventually need to talk. Eventually. (Is ENORMOUS coward.)
Schoolage goes well. I have a few essays to get done, but they are fairly short, and if I start them soon enough, they should not be a problem at all.
3) What colour socks are you wearing right now?
4) Do you have any grand expedition plans in the works?
Not particularly. I DO have a grand plot in the debating-in-my-mind stage - I may take next year off, work 8 months, and then travel places for 4 months. Anyone want to come?
5) What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Instant breakfast powder slorg that you mix with milk. It wasn't bad. It didn't have the raw egg texture that beverages of that ilk often have (I is a meal-in-a-can connoisseur).
6) Am I learning any new instruments this year?
Not really. Though I do want a banjo.
7) Is Mary still my flute teacher?
The flute makes pure tones, which are not found in nature. Other things that can make pure tones are tuning forks and computer synthesied thingies.
8) Am I wearing underwear?
Yes. It (they?) is (are?) grey.
9) Am I doing much besides school?
No. Naps. Mostly school.
10) Please spiel about the foods you have been building:
I make creative dishes out of rudimentary ingredients. For example: frozen peas and carrots + tuna = I don't really know, but it tastes okay.
Pasta + tomato pasta sauce + giant heaps of eat-it-before-it-molds cheese = curdled heap of disgusting, but I ate it because I was hungry and I had nothing else.
That is my life! ENJOY IT!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)
I just watched Beetlejuice on the telly. God how I love that movie. It seriously gets better every time.
Okay, so on Friday I had this project due, where I had to find and evaluate 5 secondary sources relevant to a topic for English. Naturally, being me, I put it off until Thursday. But unlike my usual M.O., this time I actually worked. I worked my ass off. I was in the Library for 7 hours on Thursday, basically until it closed. And since my class was at noon the next day, I figured I had enough time to finish in the morning. I had found all my sources, I just need to finish evaluating a couple. So I set my alarm for 8, but got up at 9 (still being me at this point.) I started to work, but lo and behold, I cannot access my online sources from home! Off I went to school, plunked myself down in the library, and plugged away. I realized at some point that "I am going to need to print this off somehow", so I set up an online print account. (Incidentally, yesterday was the first time I have ever bought anything online.) I had to work through class, and I needed to print it off three times until I got it right. I ran off just as class ends, and thankfully, the professor is still there. I spouted off some story about how I forgot it at home (yes, I am a terrible person) and gave the project to her. She took it! It is not late! YAY! I apologised for the lack of any staples or paperclips or anything. She smiled, and relates the observation she made in class - class I missed - that papers without staples look very incriminating - the person was in a huge rush and printed it off at the last second. My response to this was a very weak laugh.
Long story short - I worked hard at something and accomplished it! It feels GOOD to apply myself! Why didn't anybody tell me? The me last year would have said "Screw it, the thing is late anyway," and then never finish it.
This weekend I have a lot of reading to do, but not much else. I have some tests in a couple weeks, and some essays the week after, but nothing next week. I shall take to opportunity to read ahead, and finish the books the essays are on.
Isn't it madness how close we are to the end of school? I have 49 more days left. This term has flown by.
Okay, so on Friday I had this project due, where I had to find and evaluate 5 secondary sources relevant to a topic for English. Naturally, being me, I put it off until Thursday. But unlike my usual M.O., this time I actually worked. I worked my ass off. I was in the Library for 7 hours on Thursday, basically until it closed. And since my class was at noon the next day, I figured I had enough time to finish in the morning. I had found all my sources, I just need to finish evaluating a couple. So I set my alarm for 8, but got up at 9 (still being me at this point.) I started to work, but lo and behold, I cannot access my online sources from home! Off I went to school, plunked myself down in the library, and plugged away. I realized at some point that "I am going to need to print this off somehow", so I set up an online print account. (Incidentally, yesterday was the first time I have ever bought anything online.) I had to work through class, and I needed to print it off three times until I got it right. I ran off just as class ends, and thankfully, the professor is still there. I spouted off some story about how I forgot it at home (yes, I am a terrible person) and gave the project to her. She took it! It is not late! YAY! I apologised for the lack of any staples or paperclips or anything. She smiled, and relates the observation she made in class - class I missed - that papers without staples look very incriminating - the person was in a huge rush and printed it off at the last second. My response to this was a very weak laugh.
Long story short - I worked hard at something and accomplished it! It feels GOOD to apply myself! Why didn't anybody tell me? The me last year would have said "Screw it, the thing is late anyway," and then never finish it.
This weekend I have a lot of reading to do, but not much else. I have some tests in a couple weeks, and some essays the week after, but nothing next week. I shall take to opportunity to read ahead, and finish the books the essays are on.
Isn't it madness how close we are to the end of school? I have 49 more days left. This term has flown by.
A quickie.
Does anyone remember when we used to go charging about the fields, a kneel at peoples feet and pray at them? And when we asked random couples if they had PDA licenses or something? I knew we were special, but I am only now remembering HOW special.
PS, watch this. Literally tears of laughter, my friends.
PS, watch this. Literally tears of laughter, my friends.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Okay, I really need to be working, but I think the world should know about this.
I just had my first real senior moment. It was fun.
I could not, for the LIFE of me, remember if I was 18 or 19 years old. I am fairly positive I am 19 now, but still not 100%. I suppose I could do the math...
Anyway. Enjoy that.
I just had my first real senior moment. It was fun.
I could not, for the LIFE of me, remember if I was 18 or 19 years old. I am fairly positive I am 19 now, but still not 100%. I suppose I could do the math...
Anyway. Enjoy that.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Marjory Stewart-Baxter, you taste of sunshine dust.
Hello all, how are you?
I discovered an onteresting fact this morning - when I fail to go to bed at a reasonable hour, even if I don't feel tired at all, my eyes get rather bloodshot. My left on in particular looks like someone almost strangled me to death, but without the broken blood vessels elsewhere. Interestingly, I know what I would look like if I was strangled to death. My brother used to be rather fond of putting me in sleeperholds. Turns out I get little busted cappilaries on my eyelids and under my brows. It basically looks like I've grown some freckles.
How late did I stay up? About 5 am. I think I got 2 hours of sleep. And I don't feel tired at all. A bit wired, actually. And I am not all depresso-wulf, which is normally what happens when I don't sleep enough. Either my 24 hr fast really worked, or I am a bit manic. Not dreadfully so, so I'm not worried. And I do plan on going to bed during the evening tonight.
What I have been up to lately is going to class, studying minimally (although I also plan to do more of that, tonight and defninetly tomorrow) and watching Salad Fingers. Oh. My. God. It is so incredibly disturbing, and I cannot make myself look away. *shivers*
This is not Salad Fingers. It is much less creepy, and rather entertaining. I love this guy.
I discovered an onteresting fact this morning - when I fail to go to bed at a reasonable hour, even if I don't feel tired at all, my eyes get rather bloodshot. My left on in particular looks like someone almost strangled me to death, but without the broken blood vessels elsewhere. Interestingly, I know what I would look like if I was strangled to death. My brother used to be rather fond of putting me in sleeperholds. Turns out I get little busted cappilaries on my eyelids and under my brows. It basically looks like I've grown some freckles.
How late did I stay up? About 5 am. I think I got 2 hours of sleep. And I don't feel tired at all. A bit wired, actually. And I am not all depresso-wulf, which is normally what happens when I don't sleep enough. Either my 24 hr fast really worked, or I am a bit manic. Not dreadfully so, so I'm not worried. And I do plan on going to bed during the evening tonight.
What I have been up to lately is going to class, studying minimally (although I also plan to do more of that, tonight and defninetly tomorrow) and watching Salad Fingers. Oh. My. God. It is so incredibly disturbing, and I cannot make myself look away. *shivers*
This is not Salad Fingers. It is much less creepy, and rather entertaining. I love this guy.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
As I was sitting at my desk, doing my studying, a sudden urge to blog came over me. I don't know why. (To get away from homework, probably. My subconscious loves me.)
Now that I'm here, I really don't have much to talk about. No big revelations or anything like that. I guess I shall fill you in on my day-to-day goings, compelling as they are.
So I've been rather sick lately, all cold-ish and such. But I am much better today. Of course, my recovery was probably hampered by the fact that sugar has composed 80% of my diet since Sunday. Shopping day. Yes, I bought sugar. Silly silly Wulf.
My classes have been going pretty well. I base that conclusion on the fact that I enjoy going to them and that I've been doing the proper readings, as I haven't really had anything that would actually reflect progress, like a test. Those are all coming after thanksgiving.
I have seen replacement friend Jo 2 times this year, which is a shame. But we do communicate some over facebook. I loathe facebook, as a side note. It really annoys me. It was fine when it was just a way to contact people, but all these new "apps" sicken me. Okay, I admit I like the fish tank one. But all the other ones? Zombies? Hot or Not? Despicable, I tell you.
I do have slightly more friends than I did last year. There is C-Note from anthro (thus named because her name starts with C, and she asked me for notes. And it's punny.) and M (nothing to do with James Bond, except for the nickname) from anthro also, who once said to me "wouldn't it be funny if that pregnant woman gave birth in class?" I believe my reaction was something like "Yeah...hilarious..." She's cool, and 4th year. In my psych class, there is a woman (who needs a witty nickname) who I hang with before class. She is older than me, and a little prone on giving sage advice, but she's cool. She has a daughter who, if she looks anything like her photo, is the cutest toddler in existence. There was another woman in psych who we used to talk to, but she seems to be avoiding us these days. And we have no idea why.
If you managed to slorg through all that lackluster drudgery, I have yet another thrilling adventure for you. You know those magical things I promised would be here in my last blog post? They're not here! Surprise!

Sometimes I just get struck by the seeming futility of it all, you know? Here I am, working away at something, and no idea why I bother. I do have a general idea of where I want my life to go, but I need to make specific goals and work harder to achieve that, and it sometimes I wonder if the whole damn thing is worth it. I have no idea if I'll actually succeed, and so I can't really make myself care about trying.

Anywho, rambling blog almost over. I've said in the past that I blog for other people and never myself, but I think that last bit was a little for me. A little - now my issues are out there on the great wide web, so hopefully some good will come of it. What I mean by that is I'm waiting for someone tell me how to make it all better.
Now that I'm here, I really don't have much to talk about. No big revelations or anything like that. I guess I shall fill you in on my day-to-day goings, compelling as they are.
So I've been rather sick lately, all cold-ish and such. But I am much better today. Of course, my recovery was probably hampered by the fact that sugar has composed 80% of my diet since Sunday. Shopping day. Yes, I bought sugar. Silly silly Wulf.
My classes have been going pretty well. I base that conclusion on the fact that I enjoy going to them and that I've been doing the proper readings, as I haven't really had anything that would actually reflect progress, like a test. Those are all coming after thanksgiving.
I have seen replacement friend Jo 2 times this year, which is a shame. But we do communicate some over facebook. I loathe facebook, as a side note. It really annoys me. It was fine when it was just a way to contact people, but all these new "apps" sicken me. Okay, I admit I like the fish tank one. But all the other ones? Zombies? Hot or Not? Despicable, I tell you.
I do have slightly more friends than I did last year. There is C-Note from anthro (thus named because her name starts with C, and she asked me for notes. And it's punny.) and M (nothing to do with James Bond, except for the nickname) from anthro also, who once said to me "wouldn't it be funny if that pregnant woman gave birth in class?" I believe my reaction was something like "Yeah...hilarious..." She's cool, and 4th year. In my psych class, there is a woman (who needs a witty nickname) who I hang with before class. She is older than me, and a little prone on giving sage advice, but she's cool. She has a daughter who, if she looks anything like her photo, is the cutest toddler in existence. There was another woman in psych who we used to talk to, but she seems to be avoiding us these days. And we have no idea why.
If you managed to slorg through all that lackluster drudgery, I have yet another thrilling adventure for you. You know those magical things I promised would be here in my last blog post? They're not here! Surprise!

Sometimes I just get struck by the seeming futility of it all, you know? Here I am, working away at something, and no idea why I bother. I do have a general idea of where I want my life to go, but I need to make specific goals and work harder to achieve that, and it sometimes I wonder if the whole damn thing is worth it. I have no idea if I'll actually succeed, and so I can't really make myself care about trying.

Anywho, rambling blog almost over. I've said in the past that I blog for other people and never myself, but I think that last bit was a little for me. A little - now my issues are out there on the great wide web, so hopefully some good will come of it. What I mean by that is I'm waiting for someone tell me how to make it all better.
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