Sunday, April 13, 2008


Today, I re-re-(re-?)discovered my old livejournal blog. It's lame, and I spend alot of the time referring to myself in 3rd person, but I did find my old bio, and I thought I'd share it with you here.

Name: rabid_wulf
Location: Millarville, Alberta, Canada
Bio: Well howdy, interested reader. I am Wulf. I have written seven novels and have won the Nobel Peace Prize (under a different persona) for my work in suffrage movements in the early 1800's. I am extremely athletic and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. I also happen to be a world renowed authority on saliva, as I have lots of it to study. I really despise cruelty, especially to animals. However, I am not adverse to a spot of torture if the subject is a deserving president, say. I have not had an education, but have given several talks on Einstien's theory of relativity and a few of Descarte's philosophies. I have made a slight amendment to one, and you may quote me: "I sink, therefore I am." My number one goal is to become supreme dictator of the world. Anyway, that is about it. If you want an autograph, stick a wet orangepeel beneath your local mailbox and it will arrive in 30 years.
Interests: 2: classical music, fine literature

Wasn't I a charming child? Of course, if this blog ever gets lost in the sands of internet time, and I find it 20 years later, I'll be very mad at myself for being a pretentious idiot.

1 comment:

Kesineeee said...

hahahahaha, that was excellent!