Saturday, January 24, 2009

A "Major" Dilemma

Wow, blogging at home alone on a Saturday night... I need some friends. Or just one friend.

Okay, on topic now.
Whenever I tell people I'm taking anthropology as a major, they always ask me what I'm gonna do with it, and my answer is usually "no idea". I really love learning about anthropology, and astronomy and archaeology and geography and basically everything I take. The problem here is that I don't want to BE an anthropologist, or an archaeologist, or anything in the university applicable careers. I did want to be a writer or an editor, but I completely ditched English as a major. (Not that English really applies there.)
So right now, I guess my life plan is learning, and continuing to jump from summer job to summer job, in the hopes that eventually I'll land somewhere I really like. And I suppose I could give the whole writing thing a serious try - at least it'll be fun.


Hermit said...

I vote that is a good plan. From what I understand having a degree counts as just having a degree, notsomuch what it is in (well unless you are wanting to be a doctor or something) Besides writing is more on talent and skill than some dumb hunk of paper from a school. SO there.
P.S. How goes un-nocturnalizing yourself?

Wulf said...

I am much more diurnal now, and this next week should be the final adjustment period, hopefully.

Kesineeee said...

Yeah. Hahah I get the sad pitying look when I tell them I am in theatre, for acting. It's good times. Guhhh. Hahaha. Well, I hope you find out what it is that makes you super happy. You will, eventually!! And YAY for adjusting yourself! That is a good thing!

Kesineeee said...