Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Random Wanderminds

I loathe the word "scrubby".

I don't want to use the word crisis, because it's not bad, so I'm going to say my mother is having a midlife re-imagining. She bought a bowflex and dyed her hair.

Feeding the dog dry spaghetti is good clean fun.

I really want to go out for drinks and chill with ma peeps.

Also, I made another drawing! Yay! I'm satisfied with it, mostly because I was running out of patience. You can tell by the hastily cobbled background. Still, for not having a reference, I think I did okay. (click it to make it huge)

1 comment:

Hermit said...

Ooh me likeys! I am quite impressed with yer drawing skills. I also think I need to see how this tablet business works, seems quite fancy.