Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hoerg. Too much licorice.

Have you ever felt like removing your eyes, giving them a thorough cleansing in something minty, and popping them back in? That is what my eyes feel like.
My days this week have been rather uneventful. I don't really have all that much to do except do my readings and type up my notes, and that takes at most 2 hours, leaving me rather bored. I am SO excited for thanksgiving to come. It shall be splendid. And I think I'll take a lot of food back here with me.

As promised, here is UC. I am introducing a new character. And if anybody is having trouble remembering what happened last season, just ask me and I can send ye a word file with all the episodes in order. Oh, and I shall cast the new character in my next post, along with, hopefully, a blueprint of the sorority, so we (and mostly me) can keep things organised.

While the rest of her world was halfway through its day, Lexi Shofeline was only beginning hers. Her room was the first on the left at the top of the stairs in the sorority house she shared with 3 other girls. The woman who conducted her residency interview seemed to live there too, as she was always somewhere on the premises, generally hurling barely veiled criticisms at the servants. Lexi was somewhat confused by her, and by the servants. She had never heard of a sorority being organised in such a way.

The reason Lexi was only just getting up was her alarm clock; it had gone off. She preferred evening classes because she worked the graveyard shift at a club near the university, and needed the days to sleep.

Lexi was of average height, slim but not skeletal, and had the teeth only years of orthodontry could bring. Her skin was pale, almost anemically so, contrasted by the darkness of her hair. She had her ears pierced, and her nose, and when she did the residence interview Ms. Shammersthin, the woman who abused the staff, told her that it shouldn't be a problem as such piercings were "in". Lexi didn't recall asking if it would be a problem, but felt reassured in an indistinct way nevertheless.
She swiped at her alarm clock.

"Shutup, you - you thing. Yes, the bleeping. Stoppit."

She lifted her head to better aim her swinging hand, and used her other one to extract the strand of hair from her mouth.

"Gross. Better shower. Time? Got 'nuff. Quick shower."

AND that is it for today. It is currently rather late, so I hope that makes sense and is entertaining enough for your distinguished palates, me lovelies.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today was pretty much the perfect fall day. There was a cool breeze, but the sun was shining warmly, and there were almost no clouds. There were also great big drifts of leaves on the sidewalk that were all crunchy, and the ones underneath had that wonderful loamy smell. And because the wind was coming from a good direction, there was no feedlot smell. I don't particularly mind feedlot smell, but it does interfere when one is trying to do the traditional stop-outside-and-big-enjoy-the-day-inhale.
In other news, my face wash slime has menthol in it. So it makes one's face feel like the taste of mint. Sorta tingly.
There will be a UC tomorrow, and I will introduce a new character to fill the gap until Masters gets out of class.

The Daily 'Dote
My face is stiff. It is an altogether new sensation - my jaw has been stiff before, but never my whole face. We were doing facial exercises in Voice and Speech: Communication today, which required us to exaggerate the shape of our mouths when speaking to a ridiculous extent.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Boring post. the better posts are the ones you haven't commented on. Yes, you.

~Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following.
~They MUST be real places, names, things…NOTHING made up!
~If you can’t think of anything, skip it.
~Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial.
~You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Your Name: Alison
1. Famous Singer/Band: ABBA
2. 4 letter word: Able
3. Street Name: Anne Ave.
4. Color: Azure
5. Gifts/Presents: abattoir (i thought of this before i thought of art. i rule.)
6. Vehicle: Audi
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: art (cheap art)
8. Boy Name: Alex
9. Girl Name: Andrea
10. Movie Title: Animal Farm
11. Drink: Ale
12. Occupation: architect
13. Celebrity: Ali Larter
14. Magazine: Allure (we'll pretend that's a magazine)
15. U.S. City: Albuquerque
16. Pro Sports Teams: Avalanche
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Abscess
19. Something You Throw Away: apple core
20. Things You Shout: Augh!
21. Cartoon Character: Apu (of Simpson's fame.)
22. Canadian Town: Anthracite (I'm not kidding.)

And that's that, kiddies. I think from now on UC will come tri-weekly (yes, tri!) on MWF. k? k.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hey man, that's not kosher!

So the other day my landlord installed a fridge for the people downstairs to use (myself and 2 boys are downstairs). I thought to myself "this seems a little useless. I mean, the kitchen is upstairs, as are my non-perishables. I don't want to lug all my food up whenever I want to cook something!" But you know what? Now I think it's a good idea.

I have these tomatoes-on-a-vine, you see. They are my favourite kind of tomato, and they also happen to be the least expensive, making me love them even more. That is not to say they are cheap. They are not. So imagine my surprise when I go upstairs to grab me some food, and there's my roommate (we'll call him Compu-J) making dinner, which apparently includes one of MY tomatoes! I didn't say anything as he cut the poor thing up right in front of me (although I should have - his idea of a good meal is a bacon and mayo sandwich - he can't properly appreciate a tomato-on-a-vine) because he just so happens to be the grandson of the landlord. Needless to say, I am very seriously contemplating moving my perishables to the downstairs fridge. I buy them because I want to eat them, bucko.

In other news, I am contemplating auditioning for a play. If I get the part (which I doubt, but IF) it wouldn't actually be a big deal, as the play opens early November, before the bulk of my midterms and essays come along. The auditions tomorrow, and I don't have to prepare anything. I may go check it out. Although the title and blurb does sound fishy: Man and Beast - This original creation tells the stories of several characters exploring their fantasies and discovering new aspects of their sexual lives.

I dunno about you, but I'd rather the first aspects of my sexual life not take place on a stage. I still think I'm going to check it out; it sounds better than the other audition this week - "A family oriented creation that fuses music, dance, theatre to share the powerful, moving stories of newcomers to Lethbridge about their journeys to Canada and their experiences once they got here. Together, we are creating a show to evoke, to provoke, and to joke about the political, environmental and personal changes that drive people across borders, reshaping their lives and our world."

Yes, that's what it says.

I know.

speed recap:
Kassandra - our heroine
Aureoll - Kassandra's mother, a wealthy overbearing widow who owns the sorority where Kassandra, Trisha, and two yet-to-be introduced (or invented) girls live.
Trisha - the token African-American character, Kassandra's new friend, likes killing zombies.
Masters - Kassandra's childhood friend and stone cold FOX. Just back from somewhere exotic and desirable, sensitive but manly art student
Irene - As far as we can tell, the Devil in sexy heels, fashionable power suits and an eye patch. There's a bad history between her and Kassandra. Why? We Don't Know.

And here's the next exciting installment:

As Masters tried to unglue his eyes from the sashaying derriere of the mysterious eye-patched woman (at least she's a mystery to him; most things are) Kassandra and Trisha were sitting on a bench on the other side of campus, discussing their recent class together.

"Hey Trisha, don't you think the professor looks like a young Sean Connery?"

Trisha looked skeptical. "No, I think he looks the the lovechild of Rob Schneider and Carrot Top. Do you even have eyes, girl?"

Rolling her eyes, Kassandra huffed at her friend. "Of course I do. You just have no taste."

"Hey, if taste means lusting after gangly white men with teeth like a horse, I'm glad I don't have any."

Kassandra could not believe what she was hearing. "What? That prof is like a Greek god! I didn't hear a word he said, I was staring so much. If you don't find him gorgeous, you have to at least admit that Masters Jasonfield is a stone cold fox."

"'Stone cold fox?' Who says that? And who is this Master of fields guy?" Trisha laughed.

"Masters Jasonfield? Only like the most eligible bachelor of North-North-West Springtuckett U! I've known him since forever. You have to meet him." And with that, she pulled a grinning Trisha off the bench.

And that's it for now. I know it's shallow, but it's a soap. But I promise I won't turn Kassandra into a total idjit.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


SO, as of friday, I am no longer an english major. I am now doing general studies in the social sciences, with a focus on three social science streams: sociology, anthropology and psycology. I am feeling very good about the change, even though I still have no idea what I would do with a degree like this.
My classes are going very well. I only have one class on MWF, an it's at noon. I only wish it was a little more interesting. My Tues-Thurs classes are much more interesting, but they are a heavier courseload. I guess I should be happy that it's worked out so well, and stop complaining.
It's still taking a bit of time to adjust to this whole living elsewhere situation. I mean, it's my house (or it darn well better be, considering how much I'm paying for it) so I should feel comfortable going to the living room, or stayin in the kitchen for more than 10 minutes, right? Maybe my hesitancy to go out and about is because two of the people who live here are the grandchildren of the owners, who live right next door. I really don't want to offend them, even though they seem like really nice people. I'm sure I'll eventually adjust.
I think that's about it for now. I promise, very soon there will be UC and holiday pictures (even though I'm paranoid about people stealing my awesome photographs.) Hopefully that will make people read this more. I'm not the diary keeping type - blogging isn't for me, it's for you.

The Daily 'Dote
I joined clubs today! The first real clubs I've ever been in. Now I'm cool.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I have been changed for the better.

Yesterday, I was pissed at my brothers. (Mostly because of PMS, but I digress.) I had this fantastic idea of writing a travel diary on my holiday, and I got one entry in until they were all "Ooh, Alison is writing a diary!" and then I stopped. I swear, I am too much of a wimp when it comes to them. I despise girly things because they always teased me about it, but they tease me when I go the opposite direction too (that's right, butchliness.) I am finally (After 18 years) starting to not care what they think. And that is why I've always wanted a sister, and that is why my friendlies have been such a giant impact on my life - they don't tease me about anything - anything that counts in the long run, anyway. Cheers, homies. Luv ya.

Speaking of my vacation, I finally found my camera cord. So you know what's next on the blog? That's right, several pictures a day of my adventures! And I'll try to remember what the pictures are of, even.

The Daily 'Dote - The wonder! The thrills! The alliteration! It's BACK!

My toothpaste tastes like candy canes.

And one last thing, dear reader: Do you like "Wicked: The Musical"? Do you like drag queens? then come on down!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hello All

Now that my job is over and I'm mostly moved into the new place (and school has yet to start) I have time to blog! Hyay!
The onset of this semester is much more daunting then it was in the past. I'm not sure why - mabe because I've finally realised that I have no support system in this city? I am feeling rather apprehensive - will I make new friends? Will I venture out into the world? Or will I fall back into the same depressing spiral that almost ruined my life? I sound a little dramatic, don't I? Well, that's how it felt last year. I thought I had not way out, that my life was going nowhere - a dead end, leaving me working a minimum wage job the rest of my life with the same boring people. (Those people aren't you, dear readers.)

This introspective mood is kind of depressing me, and I really don't like being depressed. I think I'll go upstairs and get some dinner or something.

(BTW, half of this rant can probably be attributed to PMS. Damn hormones.)