Thursday, February 14, 2008


So as I am leaving for a bit more than a week tomorrow, I have some perishables to finish (as I am not taking them on the bus. Not all of them, anyway.)
3 apples
3 bananas
2 huge grapefruits
1/2 large tub cottage cheese
4 containers yogurt (vanilla and prune [prune yogurt makes my day])
1/3 of a 2 litre milk carton
1/3 loaf bread
1 1/2 bags of salad
1/2 slab halva (although it'll probably keep)
1/2 bag baby carrots

That'll be fun to try and eat in under 20 hrs, 9 of which I'll be sleeping. Plus I already ate a box of truffles. (It's Valentines Day and I'm single, I'm entitled to be a pig. Don't know what my excuse is for the rest of the year.)

Plus I have craploads to do.
Clean room (including garbage and dishes on the floor. I am a slop.[Yes, slop.])
Study for midterm
Type up notes for C-Note, which I JUST remembered to do, dammit.
Pay ridiculousy high visa bill.
Try not to kill someone because of cramping-induced homocidal tendencies. It's a pain transference thing.

Not nessecarily in that order.

And yet I have time to blog. Masterful.

(Oh! I saw Into the Woods yesterday. Which was 3 hours long and thus took up valuable eating time, but still worth it.)

(And the blogger spell checker thing isn't working, so typos are totally not my fault. Well, they are, but that they aren't fixed isn't. I could copy-paste this into word. But I won't.)

1 comment:

Hermit said...

Ok, methinks you should do this:
apple, banana, grapefruit fruit salad type thing with cottage cheese. (ye could even bring some of this on the bus, although it could be messy, maybe stick with apples uncut)
sandwich with salad fixings inside + cheese slabs
random yogurt snacks
lots of milk drinking (or you could freeze it, yum)
carrots for le busride.
methinks you should freeze the rest of your bread.
And that is my spectacular mealplan for you, hehe. I always had those issues aussi of trying to eat up perishables before leaving because somehow they always manage to accumulate right before you need to leave for a decent amount of time.
Does bussing mean you arent going to victoria?
Hermit (who is excited to see lewulf whenever she gets here)
P.S. If we remember maybe I can make you trim Oreo, she is quite a mess at the moment.