Friday, March 14, 2008

Ruby Red Grapefruit

So this running thing? Actually starting to like it! I know, insane. A truly awful run on Tuesday made me almost give up, but then I thought "Ali, you are being dumb and quitting on this before you even give it a shot. Just like you always do when you think something is going to be hard. Suck it up, and put on your $15 running shoes, and get out there!" And I did and it was great. Go me.

Since I am evidently sticking to this running thing, I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it. I'll try not to be too boring, it's just so exciting!

The Daily 'Dote
I'd almost given up on Ovaltine after an incident when I decided it would be an acceptable whitener/sweetener in coffee. (Hint: It's really not.) Now I've decided I like it. It has 5 essential nutrients!

1 comment:

Redcard Sanchez said...

I remember when I liked running...those were good times. Good on you for sticking with it. Fight the apathy!