Alrighty, so i had a very uneventful day. i got up late, and am probably staying up late. and there are loads of things i should be doing, but aren't. so i hate myself. but hey, it's contest time! let's start with some light iq type thingies:
if a splokett is a wrench, and a wrench is a hooha, but a hooha is also a splokett, how insane is wulf?
Well in Hermy's brain, that means that a splockette, a wrench and a hooha are all the same thing and wulfy isn't insane, rather she is spiff in being able to write up fancy convoluted sentenceness like that. *grin*
Does I get points???
hmm, flattery and logic at the same time. you're lucky i'm too tired to figur out if you're right. 2 points.
yay! Hooray for pointes!
So methinks that you needs christmas musics on your page for le Hermit *grin*.
Oh dang, jest noticed me spellage, t'aint me fault though, I am fully immersed here.
Well, I guess you could say that if a wrench is a hoohah, and a hoohah is a splockett, but a splockett is also a wrench, how insane is wulf?
OR, if a pansy is a violet, and a violet is a rose, but a rose is also a pansy, who was inspired by 'mountain pansy'?
And yes, I was going to do a bllion variations, but I want to update and go to bed and not have to strain my poor brain on this little exercise anymore.
Very impressed by the mention of my new hippy name and incorporating into your answer. however, you merely rephrased the question, instead of answering, as creative as those variations are. 1 point, which has you in the lead with 4.
Haha, this rocks, but I am far too tired to think up a witty response at le moment. Car, je pense que Wulfy est tres brillante, parce-qu'elle pensait un question drole pour ses amis bizzares!!!
Aahhh, my broken french is astounding, I must say!
I caught the word brilliant. that always works. 1 point, my peanut.
In this instance, and this instance only, if a hooha is a wrench and a wrench is a splocket and a splocket is also a hooha then Wulf, therefore, must be butterknife.
I love you give me points.
And how come you can put pictures on your blog but hermit can't? I think a certain website is playing favourites.
Ratty: Mwaha, excellent answer. as nonsensicle as the question itself, with a generous helping of whimsy (of course i know what i am talking about). 2 points.
Redcard: declarations of love! *fans self*. since you were the first to use this tactic, i must reward it. 2 points. and furthermore, of course the website is playin favourites. i'm the best, and hermit is just a dirty, filthy temptress.
Yay! I'm cheap!
if a hooha is a wrench and a wrench is a splocket and a splocket is also a hooha then wulf could only really be a Sploowrenha. which of course is latin for really big shirts.
As for website playing favorites. I'm pretty sure I made myself clear before that no one likes Wulf so it is clearly a technical malfunction.
Comment Deleted: Nows yes got me all curious. Augh.
Kylian: for an amazing answer plus tellin' it like it is, 3 points.
(But let it be known that in the future, tellin' it like it is and declarations of love will not be rewarded so handsomely. instead, they will be collected in a box and treasured for eternity.)
I may be able to desipher the deleted message.. for a small fee of many points
Can you? Well, depends what the message says, don't it.
Well... Ill only agree to that once you tell me how many points I will get.. and wether or not it will make me win.
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