Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today was pretty much the perfect fall day. There was a cool breeze, but the sun was shining warmly, and there were almost no clouds. There were also great big drifts of leaves on the sidewalk that were all crunchy, and the ones underneath had that wonderful loamy smell. And because the wind was coming from a good direction, there was no feedlot smell. I don't particularly mind feedlot smell, but it does interfere when one is trying to do the traditional stop-outside-and-big-enjoy-the-day-inhale.
In other news, my face wash slime has menthol in it. So it makes one's face feel like the taste of mint. Sorta tingly.
There will be a UC tomorrow, and I will introduce a new character to fill the gap until Masters gets out of class.

The Daily 'Dote
My face is stiff. It is an altogether new sensation - my jaw has been stiff before, but never my whole face. We were doing facial exercises in Voice and Speech: Communication today, which required us to exaggerate the shape of our mouths when speaking to a ridiculous extent.

1 comment:

Ratty said...

oh, the feedlot smell. I remember it well from my Acme days *shudder*. At least now I can officially complain, being a non-animal eater and all :). Hmmm...whole face stiffness. I am trying to imagine what this would feel like... and also attempting to envision a class in which opening one's mouth greatly is part of the curriculum :)