So I am perusing people's blogs in geography and NOT paying attention, so sad. And I was amazed at how kes and kylian have an amazing new friend. i wish I had a new friend who stumbled over my blog. maybe i'm just not as amazing. that must be it, cause noone ever comments on my blog. whimper. is this because i am lametastic? or do people do not remember i have one? or do they just not care about what i have to say, or me?
interesting fact: browridges are nature's sun visors
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Are there Bolsheviks breeding in your washroom?
There is a poster sale here, and that was on one. It was an ad for paper towels. It made me very happy. But some of the other posters didn't give me much hope for mankind. Like the ones with nearly naked female models squooshed into a teeny space. And cartoons of beat up women who were supposed to be fallen angels or something.
But there were alot of Beatles posters, yay, and Salvador Dali, and ones making fun of george bush. but no ABBA posters, as far as i could tell. .*(
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Skillz to pay the billz
So, after commenting on peoples blog's, i am updating my own, so i can get comments too! hyay!
but first things first. joelle and hannah, tsk tsk. update more! so i can have more excuses to avoid work!!! speaking of, that is the skill i was speaking of in my oh so snappy title. my skillz at not doing stuff. i am the world champion in not doing anything. i have an in class essay tomorrow that i haven't even read the material for, not to mention a billion other things to do, and so instead of doing it, (which would be decidedly irregular for me) i stayed true to form and watched a movie instead, and am now doing this. but hey, this blog may actually be useful, as i am starting to guilt myself into doing something. huzzah!
and that was a big paragraph. in case you hadn't noticed, i'll point out that i like my paragraphs small.
like one sentence small.
this is because i am ADD. that must be it.
because it sure ain't ADHD.
i wish i had more to talk about, because i really like long posts. (which makes NO sense, considering my feelings on paragraphs, but when have i ever been rich?)
but first things first. joelle and hannah, tsk tsk. update more! so i can have more excuses to avoid work!!! speaking of, that is the skill i was speaking of in my oh so snappy title. my skillz at not doing stuff. i am the world champion in not doing anything. i have an in class essay tomorrow that i haven't even read the material for, not to mention a billion other things to do, and so instead of doing it, (which would be decidedly irregular for me) i stayed true to form and watched a movie instead, and am now doing this. but hey, this blog may actually be useful, as i am starting to guilt myself into doing something. huzzah!
and that was a big paragraph. in case you hadn't noticed, i'll point out that i like my paragraphs small.
like one sentence small.
this is because i am ADD. that must be it.
because it sure ain't ADHD.
i wish i had more to talk about, because i really like long posts. (which makes NO sense, considering my feelings on paragraphs, but when have i ever been rich?)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I have my own nude story. yes i do. and it is going to have a lengthly introduction, because i am bored.
so first, i went into geography today, and crista didn't save me a seat like she ALWAYS does, so i had to sit somewhere else, and she vanished as soon as class was over. but i was going to see a play with her, so i figured i'd still see her. and i did. we met at the box office, and in a very complicated process i paid her back for her ticket and somehow ended up with more money than i should have, so she still paid for most of the ticket, but now i have laundry money. yay.
so because i saw her, i concluded that she wasn't avoiding me, but she did talk alot about the bar, which i didn't go to (and didn't really want to, but i didn't cancel and neither did she) which made me go okaaayyy......
which i realise now is not where the post was going, seeing as i was talking about crista... no, i did not see her naked, nor do i wish too. ahah.
anyway, yes. very funny play, and there were naked people, and if i was an actor, i wouldn't be able to be naked in a movie, let alone a PLAY. augh.
so first, i went into geography today, and crista didn't save me a seat like she ALWAYS does, so i had to sit somewhere else, and she vanished as soon as class was over. but i was going to see a play with her, so i figured i'd still see her. and i did. we met at the box office, and in a very complicated process i paid her back for her ticket and somehow ended up with more money than i should have, so she still paid for most of the ticket, but now i have laundry money. yay.
so because i saw her, i concluded that she wasn't avoiding me, but she did talk alot about the bar, which i didn't go to (and didn't really want to, but i didn't cancel and neither did she) which made me go okaaayyy......
which i realise now is not where the post was going, seeing as i was talking about crista... no, i did not see her naked, nor do i wish too. ahah.
anyway, yes. very funny play, and there were naked people, and if i was an actor, i wouldn't be able to be naked in a movie, let alone a PLAY. augh.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
So instead of paying attention in geography (which is progress anyway, cause i showed up)(which really isn't progress, as i have never missed geography) i am updating my blog. and having read people's blogs, especially nomad's and rat's, i am super jealous of them being so long.
but i don't have anything to talk about, cept fer the part where i have NO CLEAN CLOTHES. and i haven't for a while. cept fer underwear. but now i am out of that too. but i also have no money, so i really can't do laundry. unless i mooch off my roomate and do one tiny load to tide me over so i can bring the rest of my laundry home and do it.
and my teacher just mentioned vancouver island, so now i am craving some un-school and some temperate rainforests and some ocean. aug. my teacher is just as much a dirty, filthy temptress as hermit. wait, what is a male temptress? a tempter? (that sounds like a kitchen appliance. or something in a hospital)
but i don't have anything to talk about, cept fer the part where i have NO CLEAN CLOTHES. and i haven't for a while. cept fer underwear. but now i am out of that too. but i also have no money, so i really can't do laundry. unless i mooch off my roomate and do one tiny load to tide me over so i can bring the rest of my laundry home and do it.
and my teacher just mentioned vancouver island, so now i am craving some un-school and some temperate rainforests and some ocean. aug. my teacher is just as much a dirty, filthy temptress as hermit. wait, what is a male temptress? a tempter? (that sounds like a kitchen appliance. or something in a hospital)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Grievious ERROR

I promised hermite that i would post yesterday before i went to bed. and i didn't. and although she didn't seem mad, i am still feeling extremely guilty, funfun. also adding to the guilty feelings is the fact that i slept through all my classes. so i am going to make a vow. a vow that i have already made, but now i actually intend to keep it, because today, i felt, for the first time ever, stress. i have been nervous before, and determined, and even panicked, but never stressed. it's a gross feeling. no wonder people avoid it. so i am not going to skip classes again, if i can possibly help it.
plus, i am dead inside. while this is not an issue now, i'm sure it will become one in the future if i am ever involved in a relationship with a person who hasn't had experience with my cold-heartedness.
i wish i had something fun to say.
but i don't, because i am an emotionless automatron thingy. i sorta wish i wasn't. although i am convinced i have the capacity to love. because i do. and i guess i can get angry....okay, maybe i do have emotions. they're just very, very repressed, and one day they will all come out at once, and be glad you aren't in lethbridge, cause no one will survive within a really big radius.
Saturday, November 18, 2006

IT has come to my attention that hermite and meself are the blogging champions. as we update. *guilt trips*
and hermit wins the best blog award, because she has so many pictures of REAL THINGS, and none of my pictures are relevant to myself.
I have a big headache.
plus, my life is boring, so i really have nothing to say. so i updated for the sake of updating about updating.
Friday, November 17, 2006
K, so, today's story/anecdote would be what happened about 4:30. So me an larissa are sitting in our room, doin our things (neither of which incclude homework) when she goes
"do you hear water running?"
"i hope that's the shower"
"well, if the carpet gets wet..."
so we looks outside, and OF COURSE the toilet is flooding. ALOT. ALL OVER. and we are right across from the bathroom, and the water was moving very quickly.
so larissa dashed of to get siobhan the ra, and i step onto the bathmat thing, which appears to be above the water. it isn't. it's FLOATING. so i WADE into the bathroom (really gross water) and turn off the stinkin water valve at the base of the toilet. so i get a personal glimspe of the, er, blockage. i get out quick.
that is my story. oh, and the damn toilet (which has flooded twice before, at least) won't get fixed till monday. SIGH.
"do you hear water running?"
"i hope that's the shower"
"well, if the carpet gets wet..."
so we looks outside, and OF COURSE the toilet is flooding. ALOT. ALL OVER. and we are right across from the bathroom, and the water was moving very quickly.
so larissa dashed of to get siobhan the ra, and i step onto the bathmat thing, which appears to be above the water. it isn't. it's FLOATING. so i WADE into the bathroom (really gross water) and turn off the stinkin water valve at the base of the toilet. so i get a personal glimspe of the, er, blockage. i get out quick.
that is my story. oh, and the damn toilet (which has flooded twice before, at least) won't get fixed till monday. SIGH.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wagons Hooooooooooo!

Now I have something to tell the internet. Two things, actually.
1. Internet. stop being a spamchild, and work properly
2. there IS a gay bar in lethbridge. i am going there with Crista and her "gay boyfriends" (or something) on saturday. twill be interesting. plus, we have a bet going. if i get hit on, i owe her bubblegum. if i don't, she owes me mentos. and after much deliberation, we have decided that she is not allowed to count if she hits on me, as she has a personal stake in the matter.
(plus, in MY opinion, it would just be her being nice + drunk)
so yes. much fun filled. oh, and i slithered out of bowling with sarah (also in geography). she is going friday, and apparently there is a SUPER HOT GUY there. who is in her religious studies.
(I have been informed about him to great length. then crista took sarah and by extension yours truly ona moral building exercise. ie. we counted how many people checked out sarah and played "hot or not". I just read my newspaper.)
and now it is time for me to talk about ventifacts. they are rocks that are polished by the wind. they can have three or four sides, and each type has a fancy german name that escapes me. (at least i think they're german...i don't remember anyway, so it doesn't matter.)
I missed a day! tragedy! But when i realized i missed a day, it was already too late. so i went to bed. perhaps i shall post twice today. because everyone cares.
there is an interesting trend in what i am eating. for two days in a row, my dinner has been mentos and peanut m&ms. oh, and yesterday, i ALSO had a big turk. which i fell in love with. (even though it is the mcdonalds of chocolate bars)
hmmm. there are more glaciers in the world than people in lethbridge. so therefore, i have my own glacier!
Speaking of geography, i have a special picture today. this picture depicts traction. which basically means the wind pushed it. perhaps later i will splorg about ventifacts.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A newer post
I have made an important discovery. one that needs to be shared with my oublic, and also gives me the opporuntity to copy tyger again.
the name of one of the boys who were high is Steve. This is somehow important.
furthermore, i am liking this typing thing. so i want to type more, cept off topic. so, novel. and since my notes for the only ood idea i've ever had are at home, people get to help me develop a new topic to write on. hear that people? you've got work to do!
the name of one of the boys who were high is Steve. This is somehow important.
furthermore, i am liking this typing thing. so i want to type more, cept off topic. so, novel. and since my notes for the only ood idea i've ever had are at home, people get to help me develop a new topic to write on. hear that people? you've got work to do!
A new post

So, today, I went to class, got me a headache, came back, napped for an hour..then another hour....and would have for probably a whole nother one cept fer me roommate barged in and gave me a heart attack. But she got one too.
Interesting thing, too. She barged in, and before i woke up, i was pressed in a corner next to my wardrobe on my bed. And she didn't see me for a sec. and then did and screamed. very fun.
And THEN I edited Paula's essay and skipped astronomy. Actually, I am in the process of skipping class. and, as a fun bonus, i discovered that making your own template is scary, so i'll have to find a template stealing place, and i can bold things and even italicise and sooo much fun.
In the beginning...

Since Tyger and Hermit and moi have embarked on this grand endeavour, it seems logical (completely, I assure you) to start a new one. Plus, there's the added bonus of us having the same names, ish. which is tres exciting (as i ditch grammar. who needs it.) So yes, have a shiny new blog, which is good, because i must escape the hideousness of the expired, old, dilapidated and otherwise unsuitable leftover entries in the other. but i will link the other here, in case someone stumbles upon it and is enchanted. which i doubt. and i will further try this out by adding a picture:(which is up there! fun!)(or IS it?)
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