I promised hermite that i would post yesterday before i went to bed. and i didn't. and although she didn't seem mad, i am still feeling extremely guilty, funfun. also adding to the guilty feelings is the fact that i slept through all my classes. so i am going to make a vow. a vow that i have already made, but now i actually intend to keep it, because today, i felt, for the first time ever, stress. i have been nervous before, and determined, and even panicked, but never stressed. it's a gross feeling. no wonder people avoid it. so i am not going to skip classes again, if i can possibly help it.
plus, i am dead inside. while this is not an issue now, i'm sure it will become one in the future if i am ever involved in a relationship with a person who hasn't had experience with my cold-heartedness.
i wish i had something fun to say.
but i don't, because i am an emotionless automatron thingy. i sorta wish i wasn't. although i am convinced i have the capacity to love. because i do. and i guess i can get angry....okay, maybe i do have emotions. they're just very, very repressed, and one day they will all come out at once, and be glad you aren't in lethbridge, cause no one will survive within a really big radius.
nono, no feeling guilty, Hermite doesna mind. hehe I didnt realize that you had slept through all classes, oh well methinks that oftentimes one needs some rather large thing to kick buttocks into gear (please fooondle ma buttocks! *wheeze* I am SO mature!)
haha, both your post and hermit's comment made me snicker. I am feeling the need to point out the fact that I do not think are emotionally comotose, au contrair, in fact. I'll be you are majorly reassured now, right? But yes, I mean it. Anyways, skipping classes = increase in stress, me agrees, but the class I have skipped a couple of recently I think I am dropping/know I am dropping, or esle failing. Please, let us all stop and admire the atrocity that was the grammar just prior to this. And maybe that, too. K, I am off, maybe to update my own blog for once.
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