So, today, I went to class, got me a headache, came back, napped for an hour..then another hour....and would have for probably a whole nother one cept fer me roommate barged in and gave me a heart attack. But she got one too.
Interesting thing, too. She barged in, and before i woke up, i was pressed in a corner next to my wardrobe on my bed. And she didn't see me for a sec. and then did and screamed. very fun.
And THEN I edited Paula's essay and skipped astronomy. Actually, I am in the process of skipping class. and, as a fun bonus, i discovered that making your own template is scary, so i'll have to find a template stealing place, and i can bold things and even italicise and sooo much fun.
AUGH skipping classes! But plusAUGH (haha, I think I should adopt newspeak) to headaches. I've skipped 1 1/2 classes of my own volition. (possible using that word incorrectly, mauhaha), but I've been sick a couple of days. In fact, I have deemed it 'the ridiculous class', for example: last class we spent a good 25 minutes feeling our pulses, and walking to their 'beat'. At least it's not a core class...
The class i skipped was astronomy. we get the notes online, and in class, he just reads them. and it's boring. plus i was helping people! mwaha!
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