Alrighty, so I apologize for the emo past couple of posts. I was tired.
Today, I got up at 8:30 (i went to bed at 8) and then did nothing. Then, Maria and the Bernardin gang picked me up, and we went to watch the wee ones figure skate.
Ugh, the arena was crowded, and hot, and very loud. But I was one of the tallest people there, which made me less homicidal. Then they took me out to dinner, which was very good, and oh, such a change from cafeteria food. I had goat cheese and artichoke hearts on puff pastry, topped with onions and asparagus and lemon olive oil, and a spinach salad with eggs, mushrooms and bacon. And for dessert, banana cheesecake xango and white chocolate brownie (which was shared. I didn't have one of each.)
I have decided that I want a famous blog. If I myself cannot be famous, maybe my blog can. My number one concern on that front is the lack of charming anecdotes or entertaining hobbies I've collected. Perhaps I could review movies. Or something. Contest points for the person who helps me find something to feature in my blog.
Yes, the fast-becoming-habitual video. Should I put more on? Oh hell, I know I'm going to anyway.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
You know you like it. (or the legend of emo)
Okay, so now, I have a new goal of updating everyday. There are 2 reasons for this. No, 3.
1: i hate it when people don't post often enough. It irritates me, and I hate irritating myself.
2: I have discovered video embedding. expect to see lots of it.
3: It gives me something to do while avoiding work. Which is now going better, because things have been accomplished and moved around and now seems actually doable.
There are some conditions attached to this new goal. Since I have already used numbers, I will use fun symbols.
!: People need to check it everyday (or so). I will know you do this by the comments you will leave.
@: actually, i think that was it.
Something about blogging just gets my rage going, but I like doing it. I have these rather unreasonable expectations of people checking blogs and commenting multiple times per day, like how it was on our blogging honeymoon period. I think I am on the verge of either an enormous mental breakdown explosion thing in which I stab myself with a scalpel ( or spiraling down into the deepest depression ever.
I don't know why I am whining about this. Wait, no, I don't know why people would care. Sometimes I don't know why people put up with me. I'm whiny (as evidenced by this entire paragraph), have low self esteem, and no work ethic. Plus I have no follow through, because I am lazy AND fear rejection. It's double trouble.
Disregard this post. And all the posts where I whine. Which seems to be all of them, lately.
Maybe I'm tired.
1: i hate it when people don't post often enough. It irritates me, and I hate irritating myself.
2: I have discovered video embedding. expect to see lots of it.
3: It gives me something to do while avoiding work. Which is now going better, because things have been accomplished and moved around and now seems actually doable.
There are some conditions attached to this new goal. Since I have already used numbers, I will use fun symbols.
!: People need to check it everyday (or so). I will know you do this by the comments you will leave.
@: actually, i think that was it.
Something about blogging just gets my rage going, but I like doing it. I have these rather unreasonable expectations of people checking blogs and commenting multiple times per day, like how it was on our blogging honeymoon period. I think I am on the verge of either an enormous mental breakdown explosion thing in which I stab myself with a scalpel ( or spiraling down into the deepest depression ever.
I don't know why I am whining about this. Wait, no, I don't know why people would care. Sometimes I don't know why people put up with me. I'm whiny (as evidenced by this entire paragraph), have low self esteem, and no work ethic. Plus I have no follow through, because I am lazy AND fear rejection. It's double trouble.
Disregard this post. And all the posts where I whine. Which seems to be all of them, lately.
Maybe I'm tired.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Aight, Peeps. 2 posts in 1 day. (or, the saga of how I can't have sleep anymore.)
Read 'em and weep. Or, stem the flow of tears by commenting. Comments warm the cockles of me heart.
Like my post wot came five minutes ago, I have little to say. And I feel like having two posts, because I am too lazy to go back and add to it.
Right now, I am at the stage where I have so much stuff to do I can't do it, and instead have stalled completely. K, would you like a list of what I need to have done by tuesday? sure you do.
- midterm
- outline for group project
- notes for group project
- a design paper
- a rhetoric presentation
- get a passport picture
- collect receipts for taxes
- organise BC trip
- organise easter visit
- laundry
- register for courses
- script for drama presentation
- read ethnography
- watch figure skating competition thing and visit with bernardins.
- probably have a shower in there at least once
and of course, many of these are to be done before tuesday.
I have 3 days, people.
And I have stalled. Completely. It hurts, and I have had it. Had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane. (If snakes=stuff to do and plane=96 hours).
Oh, and for your amusement:

A bridge that looks as stretched as I feel.
Like my post wot came five minutes ago, I have little to say. And I feel like having two posts, because I am too lazy to go back and add to it.
Right now, I am at the stage where I have so much stuff to do I can't do it, and instead have stalled completely. K, would you like a list of what I need to have done by tuesday? sure you do.
- midterm
- outline for group project
- notes for group project
- a design paper
- a rhetoric presentation
- get a passport picture
- collect receipts for taxes
- organise BC trip
- organise easter visit
- laundry
- register for courses
- script for drama presentation
- read ethnography
- watch figure skating competition thing and visit with bernardins.
- probably have a shower in there at least once
and of course, many of these are to be done before tuesday.
I have 3 days, people.
And I have stalled. Completely. It hurts, and I have had it. Had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane. (If snakes=stuff to do and plane=96 hours).
Oh, and for your amusement:

A bridge that looks as stretched as I feel.
It's worth sharing.
You may have already seen this. I don't care, watch it again. It will cheer you greatly the more times you witness it.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Let's pretend I've got something to say.
The grass is even greener here, and clouds are cool.
I've been seeing loads of deer, and there were some teeny critters chasing eachother around that I think were ground squirrels.
I am having the week from HELL.
I've got lots of marks back, and I did well on all of them. But I also have a research meeting, a test and an essay due for the rest of the week. And I was up uber late yesterday finishing the essay that was due this morning.
Augh, I will be so happy when this week is over. Next week is also looking slightly deadly, but not nearly as much. I will be happy when it's finals time, and happier when school is fully over, and I can brag to my brothers for two months about not having homework.
I am real tired.
So now I am going to bed. I hope you are all well.
(I am half sick of shadows, said the Lady of Shalott.)
Friday, March 16, 2007
The grass here is starting to green, even through the intermittent snows. It pleases me.
There are more deer about, and the magpies are back. School is almost over, and I am so happy.
I get 3 marks back early next week. YAY! I actually can't wait for my anthropology final. I'm going to ace it.
Lately, I've been experiencing this yearning for the pacific. I just want to be able to smell it, and see it, and wander the beaches along it. I want to ride a ferry, and find cool animals, and hike through the woods, and visit my grandparents house.
I love that house, and it makes me sad that they'll eventually have to leave it. And the people who get it probably won't take care of the gardens, which is a pity, because they are huge and beautiful, and there are fruit trees and vines and vegetable patches. And they might pave the driveway, which would be a horrible thing to do, because then the sound of tires and feet on the gravel that I find incredibly comforting won't be there anymore.
I really want to show people it. You folksies should come sometime, and we can sleep in a tent on the balcony and listen to the creepy-crawly clean the pool and the crickets and the cows. And we can make homemade dinners, massacre wasps, and take drives to the ocean and spend entire days on the beaches and in the forests. And we can visit victoria harbour, and buy english candies, and look at the barnacles and minnows.
There are more deer about, and the magpies are back. School is almost over, and I am so happy.
I get 3 marks back early next week. YAY! I actually can't wait for my anthropology final. I'm going to ace it.
Lately, I've been experiencing this yearning for the pacific. I just want to be able to smell it, and see it, and wander the beaches along it. I want to ride a ferry, and find cool animals, and hike through the woods, and visit my grandparents house.
I love that house, and it makes me sad that they'll eventually have to leave it. And the people who get it probably won't take care of the gardens, which is a pity, because they are huge and beautiful, and there are fruit trees and vines and vegetable patches. And they might pave the driveway, which would be a horrible thing to do, because then the sound of tires and feet on the gravel that I find incredibly comforting won't be there anymore.
I really want to show people it. You folksies should come sometime, and we can sleep in a tent on the balcony and listen to the creepy-crawly clean the pool and the crickets and the cows. And we can make homemade dinners, massacre wasps, and take drives to the ocean and spend entire days on the beaches and in the forests. And we can visit victoria harbour, and buy english candies, and look at the barnacles and minnows.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Warm Picnic
I am SO happy. I can't stop smiling. The weather here is GORGEOUS. It's the kind of weather that is just too hot for a sweater without a breeze, but there is one. Not too hot, not too cold, the kind that wraps around you as you walk home from class, basking in the sunshine and snuggling in your fleece as wisps of wind slip through, and tease your hair.
I just had an anthropology midterm. It went well. Feels good.
You know that thing where one gets depressed because they miss the sunlight? I think I have that. But the sun is back, and it is glorious. It's there when I awake, it stays with me till after dinner.
I can feel the life ready to burst forth. It's like that song in Bambi, about the springtime. It's an air of pleasant anticipation. I am really liking spring right now. Oh March, defy your name and parade rest next to me for always. You've been good to me.
I just had an anthropology midterm. It went well. Feels good.
You know that thing where one gets depressed because they miss the sunlight? I think I have that. But the sun is back, and it is glorious. It's there when I awake, it stays with me till after dinner.
I can feel the life ready to burst forth. It's like that song in Bambi, about the springtime. It's an air of pleasant anticipation. I am really liking spring right now. Oh March, defy your name and parade rest next to me for always. You've been good to me.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Three posts in Three days! That is mad like whoa.
Today was a good day.
I got up late, and decided to skip my shower.
The I went to english, and we got feedback from our video. (We were filmed being in class on wednesday for this teacher thing). Apperently, we are the students everybody wants. Aww.
The I went to anthropology right after, and lent out some notes. We got dismissed early, because it was a review class, so replacement-friend Joelle and I had a chat. She invited me to a free recital later that afternoon, and we discussed band. When I mentioned I play trumpet, she immediatley attempted to conscript me for her ensemble thing, which sounds splendid. I miss band. So I think I'll do that, although maybe not this term, like she wants me too. I am horrendously out of practice.
So then I went to my room and had a shower, which was lovely, and then went to meet Joelle. I also met her boyfriend, who is a lovely chap, and we wandered off the the recital hall.
The recital itself was wonderfully impressive. It was an alto sax and a double bass and their various accompianests (sp?) one of which played the marimba!
Then I went to dinner, and had rather too many perogies. I contemplated falling into a food coma, but then my roommate invited me to watch Bridget Jones's Diary, which was much better than I was expecting.
I managed not to complete the day's goals, which was do my readings, plan my presentation (and start writing it) and do laundry. Which means I am going to have a very busy weekend, but a day like today was worth it.
I got up late, and decided to skip my shower.
The I went to english, and we got feedback from our video. (We were filmed being in class on wednesday for this teacher thing). Apperently, we are the students everybody wants. Aww.
The I went to anthropology right after, and lent out some notes. We got dismissed early, because it was a review class, so replacement-friend Joelle and I had a chat. She invited me to a free recital later that afternoon, and we discussed band. When I mentioned I play trumpet, she immediatley attempted to conscript me for her ensemble thing, which sounds splendid. I miss band. So I think I'll do that, although maybe not this term, like she wants me too. I am horrendously out of practice.
So then I went to my room and had a shower, which was lovely, and then went to meet Joelle. I also met her boyfriend, who is a lovely chap, and we wandered off the the recital hall.
The recital itself was wonderfully impressive. It was an alto sax and a double bass and their various accompianests (sp?) one of which played the marimba!
Then I went to dinner, and had rather too many perogies. I contemplated falling into a food coma, but then my roommate invited me to watch Bridget Jones's Diary, which was much better than I was expecting.
I managed not to complete the day's goals, which was do my readings, plan my presentation (and start writing it) and do laundry. Which means I am going to have a very busy weekend, but a day like today was worth it.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Whatever happened to that white dog poop from the seventies?
Do you think it's possible that because I didn't post for so long, people have forgotten that my blog exists?
I ask because I only got 3 comments from people other than me so far. I love comments. They assure me that people care, and when I don't get them, I do crazy things. Like cry. (But not really, because my tear ducts are made of STONE. Except when watching movies that really aren't all that good cinematically, but magically turn me into mush.)
I love Torchwood. Kesinee knows this, but others might not. So I thought I might say it. As you may have guessed, from your vast knowedge of my quirks (it's the kindest word for them, really) it is a sci-fi show. But it is one with actual people and interpersonal relationships that go beyond the incedental, must-have-something-other-than-technobabble kind.
Which is a bad thing, or something. It hasn't been getting the best reviews. Those reviewer types say it isn't like Doctor Who (which is spun off of) and that it tries and fails to be Buffy. Why can't it just be Torchwood, I ask? Why does it have to be like Doctor Who, or Buffy? Do we even need another show about an angst queen who does vampires and kills them? Maybe we need a show about alien technology that isn't set on other planets, with characters who aren't perfect but you love them more because of it?
Incidentally, both Torchwood and Buffy have lesbians that died. (Like Buffy, not all of them die. Unlike Buffy, they are technically bisexual, and the majority are MyStIcAl aLiEnS.)
I say this, because this is the only way I could ever see someone using as proof that they are trying to be Buffy. Honestly, why would you want to be? One was enough, people. If you really want it, there are DVDs.
Okay, rant over. I'm not sure why I did that. Wait, yes I am. It's my evil agenda. I'm trying to corrupt people into liking sci-fi. Because then the world will be mine!
And now my brain is off, but I am still typing. So I will bite off my fingers to save you all, and then go to sleep, and do laundry tomorrow.
Oh, but right before that, for 2 contest points, name the source of my title! (yes, that's right, read my mind.)(Or, use the internet!)
shbxndv cxn cvn jhvcjnjh v
I ask because I only got 3 comments from people other than me so far. I love comments. They assure me that people care, and when I don't get them, I do crazy things. Like cry. (But not really, because my tear ducts are made of STONE. Except when watching movies that really aren't all that good cinematically, but magically turn me into mush.)
I love Torchwood. Kesinee knows this, but others might not. So I thought I might say it. As you may have guessed, from your vast knowedge of my quirks (it's the kindest word for them, really) it is a sci-fi show. But it is one with actual people and interpersonal relationships that go beyond the incedental, must-have-something-other-than-technobabble kind.
Which is a bad thing, or something. It hasn't been getting the best reviews. Those reviewer types say it isn't like Doctor Who (which is spun off of) and that it tries and fails to be Buffy. Why can't it just be Torchwood, I ask? Why does it have to be like Doctor Who, or Buffy? Do we even need another show about an angst queen who does vampires and kills them? Maybe we need a show about alien technology that isn't set on other planets, with characters who aren't perfect but you love them more because of it?
Incidentally, both Torchwood and Buffy have lesbians that died. (Like Buffy, not all of them die. Unlike Buffy, they are technically bisexual, and the majority are MyStIcAl aLiEnS.)
I say this, because this is the only way I could ever see someone using as proof that they are trying to be Buffy. Honestly, why would you want to be? One was enough, people. If you really want it, there are DVDs.
Okay, rant over. I'm not sure why I did that. Wait, yes I am. It's my evil agenda. I'm trying to corrupt people into liking sci-fi. Because then the world will be mine!
And now my brain is off, but I am still typing. So I will bite off my fingers to save you all, and then go to sleep, and do laundry tomorrow.
Oh, but right before that, for 2 contest points, name the source of my title! (yes, that's right, read my mind.)(Or, use the internet!)
shbxndv cxn cvn jhvcjnjh v
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Lest Joelle Expire from Apopolexy, a Post
Heyhey, peeps. Look, a post! Miracles!
Really though, it was about time. Not posting for an entire month may have been a bit much.
Perhaps I will spark a new passion for blogging within myself, and others will follow my shining example.
Okay, so, what has been up with me? Not much. Being home was luverly, yay for reading week.
In drama, which I have been hugely enjoying, we have this new project hing where we are in partners and we present a scene.
My partner keeps forgetting our meetings, but then he remembers and begs forgiveness, so I haven't flayed him yet. I've pretty much got it memorized, and am excited for presenting in on Thursday. And thank goodness we don't need costumes this time around, because I have no fancy clothes.
My sea monkeys aren't hatching, and it's been over a week. But the website suggests it is because the temperature is too low, so now the tank is languishing under my crazy-hot desk lamp. And if they don't work, I can always order more, because they have a guarantee thingy.
And that's all I can think of to spiel about for now. No revelations or epiphanies or things-that-depress me. Like every blog should have, but mine doesn't.
Kidding. I hope. Just angsting it up. Because I am disgustingly happy this term.
Really though, it was about time. Not posting for an entire month may have been a bit much.
Perhaps I will spark a new passion for blogging within myself, and others will follow my shining example.
Okay, so, what has been up with me? Not much. Being home was luverly, yay for reading week.
In drama, which I have been hugely enjoying, we have this new project hing where we are in partners and we present a scene.
My partner keeps forgetting our meetings, but then he remembers and begs forgiveness, so I haven't flayed him yet. I've pretty much got it memorized, and am excited for presenting in on Thursday. And thank goodness we don't need costumes this time around, because I have no fancy clothes.
My sea monkeys aren't hatching, and it's been over a week. But the website suggests it is because the temperature is too low, so now the tank is languishing under my crazy-hot desk lamp. And if they don't work, I can always order more, because they have a guarantee thingy.
And that's all I can think of to spiel about for now. No revelations or epiphanies or things-that-depress me. Like every blog should have, but mine doesn't.
Kidding. I hope. Just angsting it up. Because I am disgustingly happy this term.
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