Like my post wot came five minutes ago, I have little to say. And I feel like having two posts, because I am too lazy to go back and add to it.
Right now, I am at the stage where I have so much stuff to do I can't do it, and instead have stalled completely. K, would you like a list of what I need to have done by tuesday? sure you do.
- midterm
- outline for group project
- notes for group project
- a design paper
- a rhetoric presentation
- get a passport picture
- collect receipts for taxes
- organise BC trip
- organise easter visit
- laundry
- register for courses
- script for drama presentation
- read ethnography
- watch figure skating competition thing and visit with bernardins.
- probably have a shower in there at least once
and of course, many of these are to be done before tuesday.
I have 3 days, people.
And I have stalled. Completely. It hurts, and I have had it. Had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane. (If snakes=stuff to do and plane=96 hours).
Oh, and for your amusement:

A bridge that looks as stretched as I feel.
Oh dear, that really, really sucks. I despise getting to that point, where it's impossible to get everything done in a given amount of time, and since there's really no possibility for getting it all done one gets none of it done. One thing I would suggest is making one of those charts that sets out your days until Tuesday in 30-minute increments, filling in every space of time that is necessarily used up (ie: class, eating), then planning out when you'll do all the other stuff. I've found this to be a last-minute life saver whenever I've gotten to the same point you have. Yes, it's depressing to see the next 4 days of your life laid out on a sheet of paper, but it often gives hope as there is usually more time to do stuff than you're inclined to think, and even if there isn't, at least you have a concrete idea of what can and cannot be done, which is much easier to cope with than the cloud of despair that seems to come from having everything just floating around in the brain. Anyway, good luck to you!
Blerg, me hates that evil backlog of crud aussi. Being a fellow procrastinator I am well aware of the feeling (and why, may I ask is there no such thing as a professional procrastinator? That would be a great job pour moi)
Anyhow this is me readin each of your posts and pretending that I read them before you posted the next one.
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