Thursday, November 30, 2006

Joyous crutches for crippling depression

So I am perusing people's blogs in geography and NOT paying attention, so sad. And I was amazed at how kes and kylian have an amazing new friend. i wish I had a new friend who stumbled over my blog. maybe i'm just not as amazing. that must be it, cause noone ever comments on my blog. whimper. is this because i am lametastic? or do people do not remember i have one? or do they just not care about what i have to say, or me?

interesting fact: browridges are nature's sun visors


Kylian said...

Well.. I think the reason no one comments on your blogs... is all the reasons you just agve actually.


Wulf said...

Aha, exactly. at least someone tells it like it is.

Kesineeee said...

no no no...shuddup Kylian, hahaha. Jeeeez. I comment on your blog when zer eez time! I always read it though, I promise!


Redcard Sanchez said...

I think having a picture of a dead girl on your page might deter some people...but that may just be me.

Kesineeee said...

*dies laughing* just maybe! I dunno, I personally thought it was rather spiffy, adn even ended up asking about it, adn inquiring into other perfectly preserved bodies, which ended up talking about Saints, and stuff. Crazy how things work out like that.

Eve said...

Behold, a comment:

Kylian said...

man, it seems only I truly understand Allison.

Peter said...

except you dont even know how to spell her name Killian.


HI ALISON! hows the weather in lethbridge?

Kylian said...

I hope you mispelled my name incorrectly on purpose there Peter.. or I guess you are as stupid as you look.

Kylian <--- (like that)