Monday, March 12, 2007

Warm Picnic

I am SO happy. I can't stop smiling. The weather here is GORGEOUS. It's the kind of weather that is just too hot for a sweater without a breeze, but there is one. Not too hot, not too cold, the kind that wraps around you as you walk home from class, basking in the sunshine and snuggling in your fleece as wisps of wind slip through, and tease your hair.

I just had an anthropology midterm. It went well. Feels good.

You know that thing where one gets depressed because they miss the sunlight? I think I have that. But the sun is back, and it is glorious. It's there when I awake, it stays with me till after dinner.
I can feel the life ready to burst forth. It's like that song in Bambi, about the springtime. It's an air of pleasant anticipation. I am really liking spring right now. Oh March, defy your name and parade rest next to me for always. You've been good to me.


Hermit said...

Hooray! I love the feeling of freedom once you have finished an exam. The weather here has been quite nice aussi, not too hot, not too cold, I would be perfectly okay if it stayed like this for the rest of the year.
Methinks that this means Scotland wouldn't be the ideal location for our castle, mebbe Australia? I feel like it is nice there basically all the time, but that might just be a misconception.
Hopefully the weather stays nice for you.

Paula R said...

...and then it started to snow again.

Wulf said...

If it was in australia, we'd have to build it from scratch. Could take longer.

Snow? wat ees thees?

Wulf said...

plus, scotland rains and is green, and I like both those things.

Kesineeee said... was SO nice in...all springy, and making me so happy as well...and yes, I think I ahve seasonal affect disorder as well...and then this evening it SNOWED. SO POOP!

Kesineeee said...

mmm Scotland...lets go!

Ratty said...

Ah, Ratty lurves spring! Yeah, I'm pretty positive that I suffer from Seasonal Affect Disorder as well. Because even looking back on school years past, it always seems to go wonderful, dreary, terrible, I can't stand it, wonderful, which seems to magically correspond with summmer/fall, winter, long winter, will I ever see the sun again winter, glorious springtime. Maybe that's why the general character of tropical countries tends to be friendly and genial, and travel guides talk about being wary of the winter vs. the summer people in Northern climates.