Saturday, April 14, 2007

I am watching Transamerica!

I am not that far in, but it seems good to this point.
Maybe if my soap opera is amazing, I will send it in to a network, or producers, or whoever one sends ideas too. I think it's an original concept, soap-wise. I was just thinking the other day about how there are laods of tv shows about high schools and middle schools and people who are out in the workplace, but no television show that takes place in a university. I was pondering this, and I can't think of why this might be. Maybe because it's an optional thing, and there are people who don't do it, and thus it wouldn't apply to a broad enough market. But it's untapped! So much potential! So I will sell my idea eventually. If no one steals it. That would be a pity. But since it's on MY BLOG, I have proof if someone steals it! I am thinking way too much about this.
People really need to tell me what email they want information to be sent to. If I don't know, I won't send it to the right one, and then you'll miss out! ON AN AMAZING ADVENTURE! This means Jo, Rat, Nomad and Tyger.

9:01 PM: The Daily 'Dote
Ginger ale is not as incredible as I remember. I think now my only use for it will be drinking it flat when my tummy feels oogy. Mmm, trace amounts of ginger.

1 comment:

Redcard Sanchez said...

Oh no, now my e-mail is open to the public!