Friday, April 13, 2007

Last Day of Classes

Okay, so that isn't technically true, but it is friday, and there is the last class bash at the zoo (which means drunk people midafternoon), and next week there's only monday, so it counts.
I really don't know what to feel about this. Mostly I feel just fiiine. But there also seems to be a gaping hole in my chest. Which is odd, because I will be coming back here, and I am excited to go home. But I actually think I might love this place.

And just because, here's a nifty music video.

1 comment:

Kesineeee said...

hey hey hey! We had our last bash too last night...SOOOOO fun!!! AHH NO MORE CLASSES *does a happy dance* Just three more exams and I am done!!! *so weird......*