Monday, April 16, 2007

Mournful Sigh

Respond with your name and...
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. Everyone must write this on your blog too.

Yes, I am following in Joelle's footsteps.
So, no more classes for Wulfy! It will feel a bit odd after it has had time to settle in.

Augh. I had the most uncomfortable conversation with my mother the other day. We were talking about how well I thought I was going to do, and I said I thought I'd get 2 A range, a B, and a C. And then she was all like A C!?!?! And then suggested I get counseling.
Honestly mother, I'm all grown up now.
Sure, I don't have that much practical experience, but we'd both like to think you did a good job raising me. I'd like to get through one conversation without you telling me what I should do and bringing grades and/or a job into it. But that's all we ever talk about, and to be frank, I'm rather sick of it. Do we really have so little in common that all we can talk about is school? I am an interesting person, I think. But honestly, if we can't find other things to talk about, I don't think we can talk.
I'd like to talk about other things, like what I want for myself in the future, but I can't because she's so damn practical all the time. It's not "I want to be an actor" "Okay, let's get you an agent." It would be "You know you need to work really hard, and it doesn't earn that much money, and you're not exactly hollywood material. Shave your legs more, don't slump, you need more clothes. Have you got a job?" She doesn't seem to realise how much her opinion of what I do matters. All appearances to the contrary, I am a girl and she IS my mother. I think the reason I'm doing somewhat poorly in english is because it's my only way of rebelling. She wants me to be in english, and I don't think I do. But instead of changing my major, I stay in it and don't really try. But if I told her I find it boring and semi-useless, she'd just tell me to work harder, and that not everything can be fun all the time.
This seems to have turned into a rant. Oh well, sorry guys.
I kinda hope my mother doesn't find this, but at the same time, I do....

Anyway, no more classes! WOOHOO!


Joelle Haney said...

Point numero uno: Your mom should appreciate you more cause you are fantabulous

Point numero dos: JOELLE! (That is me leaving my name for the quiz thingy)

Wulf said...

1. You do not look like a corpse.
2. Well, I dunno, but I thought of you and the movie that came into my head was Darkman.
3. Orange.
5. Probably... I dunno. My first solid, tangible memory of you is from grade 5, which is very sad. I have a very poor memory.
6. You remind me...of a manta ray. Or a ground squirrel.
7. Joelle, have you ever experienced the urge to chew a sponge?

Hermit said...

Hermit (haha, yes, I am still paranoid of this whole identity on the internet thing)

P.S. You aught to inform your mom you have a dying urge, no, need, to become a raw food chef. *finds this thought amusing*
Okay, i am done now

Wulf said...

1. I like your hair.
2. That Cat Carol thing, because I found it when I was looking for christmas music for you.
3. Um...the darkest colour.
4. No fornication!
5. Probably you and Larissa discussing funeral plans for my gargoyle.
6. You remind me of a bunny. Like velvet (aka slighty more active than Mr. Snowy.)
7. Do you squish bugs?

Kesineeee said...

ok, do what you want...your mom will come around, they always do. And you are seriously one of the most interesting people I know! We will do drama classes togeeeeether!! I am so excited!


Love mouse

Joelle Haney said...

haha, yay redwall. And no, I do not believe I have ever experienced the urge to chew a sponge, although now that you mention it...

Joelle Haney said...

P.S. I think it's funny that the first movie that came to your mind when you thought of me was Darkman.

Eve said...

And I totally echo what everyone has said about you being tres interesting. However, we should start a club, because both of our mothers are tiringly practical and obstinant. Yes, we are all(most) grown up now, leave me alone...

Paula R said...


Wulf said...

1. You are like strawberry icecream.
2. The Mummy Returns
3. How about jello pudding? Because, pistachio!
4. We will be coulee gliders!
5. Um...I don't know. It probably involved hatred and jealousy.
6. You remind me of an elephant shrew.
7. Have you ever fell out of a tree? I've ALWAYS wondered.

Wulf said...

We so should start a club/support group.
1. Someday my hair will be longer than yours.
2. Fish heads.
4. Urine tree. (We'll pretend that no one else was told.)
5. When we chatted about horror films. I looked under my bed that night - Pet Semetary and all that.
6. You remind me of a hedgehog.
7. Eve, do you want to learn a martial art?

Wulf said...

1. You sound alot like your mother on the telly.
2. Batman Begins. Why? I do not know.
3. caramel pudding style.
4. Stabler Benson fireplace love.
5. I cannot recall. Perhaps running around the currie barracks and locking my brothers in the cage.
6. You remind me of...a cayman! Just because.
7. Paula, can you dance like the Irish?

Kesineeee said...

I totally haven't fallen out of a tree, mainly because I am too scared to climb them most times!

Eve said...

wasn't everyone else THERE?

Redcard Sanchez said...


Also, criticism sucks to be around.

Wulf said...

RITA (when dost thou school endeth? Are you free 1-15th? *pester)
1. MMlaaaiii! might be the single greatest contribution to the english language this century.
2. Waking Life reminds me of you a little. But not because you make little sense and leave me with a headache.
3. lemon. no, ORANGE.
4. Frederick. (although hannah know frederick also. pssh. Plus, spying on Ms. Bence. did you assist in this?)
5. I remember you devouring the nectar from those bushes at the bridgeland school.
6. you remind me of a panda. sure.
7. Rita, do know what the flight speed of an unladen swallow is?

Redcard Sanchez said...

33 miles a second.

Ratty said...

HANNAH! I hope you're still checking this one...

Wulf said...

Is your lucky day! I is checking it!
1.You are like the pickle in a sandwich.
2. For the purpose of this, Babar counts as a movie.
3. green/lime.
4. Mrs. Bence.
5. You trying to juggle my stuffed frog. And you dropped it, which made me evry upset inside, but I didn't say anything.
6. you remind me of a swan, or a gazelle.
7. What were the names of your wrist friends? Did they HAVE names?

Ratty said...

Yay for still checking! And my wrist friends did not have names unfortunately, but I did draw a face on the bump on occasion :)